David the Whop's URL(Webpage)
Programming Tutorial Page

This page will tell you some basics about making a webpage from scratch, however, I recommend you use a webpage builder because it is much easier and there would be less(if any) errors in the codes.

Go to:

  • Basic Tags
  • Body
  • Links
  • Images
  • Title
  • Colors
  • Changing Font Type

    The Very Basics-Tags

    Tags are the codes that define where your webpage begins and where it ends. It also defines links, pictures, colors, frames, tables, and the list goes on and on and on. Most tags that are opened, must be closed. There are a few exceptions, but we wont get into that right now. A tag is a code inside brackets < >. The tag that defines where your webpage begins is <body>. At the end of your document, you need to close that tag. To close a tag simply put a backslash ,/, after that bracket but before the tag. For example, if you were ending the <body> tag, you would type in </body>. not /<body> or <body>/. If you need to close a tag on your webpage, I will tell you how to do it. If I do not tell you how to do it, you probably do not need to close it. That or I forgot to tell you how to close it.

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    The Tags-Body

    The Body tag <body> is where you put all your text. All your text that you want people to see on your page goes inbetween your <body> tag and the closed body tag </body>. All your tag, images, sounds, or whatever, with the exception of frames, go between the body tags.

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    The Tags-Links

    The hyperlink tag is one of the easiest tags to learn. The code for links is <a href="put the page you want the reader to go to>put your hyperlinked text here</a> The </a> is how you close the hyperlink tag. In writing hyperlinks, you must type in http:// before all your webpage links, with the exception of local directory files/pages. So if your webpage was at geocities.com and you wanted to create a link to cyber-quest.com you would need to type in <a href=http://www.cyber-quest.com> not <a href=www.cyber-quest.com>. If you write the second one with no http:// infront of it, it will read it as a local files, meaning in the same folder as the html file, instead of a totally seperate webpage.

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    The Tags-Images

    Inserting images can be difficult, especially for beginners, so pay attention! => The tag for pictures is <IMG SRC=thename of the picture> That's all you say? Well I never said I was done so let me finish. It is easiest if you put pictures in the SAME file directory as the webpage so the browser will read it as a local file. If you do not you have to tell the browser which directory the picture is in. Pictures being inserted into a webpage are CASE SENSITIVE, meaning that all the capitol letters in the name are the same. So if the picture you want to insert is named Pic.jpg you must tell the computer to insert Pic.jpg. If you tell it to insert pic.jpg, it will tell you that the picture cannot be found and it will not load correctly. If you want to load a picture from a different website, you must type in the website address, again with http:// infront of it, plus the name of the picture. So, yes another example from cyber-quest.com, if you wanted to insert a picture from their website you would need <IMG SRC=http://www.cyber-quest.com/pic.jpg>. You can edit your picture with your html codes as well. When you type in the picture tag, <IMG SRC=pic.jpg> just define the width and height like so= <IMG SRC=pic.jpg width=200 height=200>. It doesn't matter which one goes first and that is totally optional. If you do not do that the image will appear as it is. There is no need for a closing tag for images since it only takes up a little part of your webpage, so there is no closing tag.

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    The Tags-Titleing your page

    Titleling your page is simple and all it needs is two tags, a title tag and a closing title tag. The title tag is <title> and it goes before the body tag <body>. To title your page type in <title>then type in your title here, and then close your title</title>. If that is too confusing look at this example, <title>page title here</title>

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    The Tags-Defining Colors

    Defining colors for your website can be difficult but it doesn't have to be. First you need to know the tag, which is <body>. After you type in the tag, you can define many things, but since this is a beginner tutorial, we will only be defining color. After your body tag, you will type in 4 different things, BGCOLOR, TEXT, LINK, VLINK. You do not even need to do this because your browser will have it set that your text is black, backround is white, links are blue, and visited links are a reddish color. However, if you wish to set something different, you will need to type in <BODY BGCOLOR=COLOR HERE TEXT=COLOR HERE LINK=COLOR HERE VLINK=COLOR HERE>. The color list is listed:

    There are more but I cannot think of any other major ones, so if you know how to spell them you can set your color. Now what the codes BGCOLOR, TEXT, LINK, and VLINK mean. BGCOLOR is the code for your backround color. So if you want your backround color to be black you would type in <BODY BGCOLOR=black>. TEXT is your text color. If you would like to set in blue text you would type in <BODY BGCOLOR=black TEXT=blue>. LINK is the code for the hyperlink color. Lets say you want this to be white, you would type in <BODY BGCOLOR=black TEXT=blue LINK=white>. VLINK is the command for a link that has already been visited, or in other wordsm a link you have already clicked on. If you want that the stay at the default red you would type in <BODY BGCOLOR=BLACK TEXT=BLUE LINK=WHITE VLINK=RED> Thats all you need to know about changing the color on your webite

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    The Tags-Font Type

    Changing your font type is simple as long as you know which font type you want to change your text too. If you are using notepad to write your codes instead of something like publisher, it can be difficult. The tag, however, is not difficult to learn. The tag is <FONT FAMILY=the font type>. To close the font tag just type in </font> as the closing tag. I will put up a list of some fonts and examples at a later date, but until then good luck with this one.

    This is all I have here for now. If you would like to know how to do something e-mail and ask me how and I will answer your question the best I can to make your webpage better.

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     Unimplemented ISML Tag: TYPE=